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  • How Can We Create A Sensor?




    Why create a Sensor?

    Our sensors are state of the art detection devices that are used to monitor, generate profile based on which our system provides predictive analysis.


    Who can create a Sensor?

    The following user roles are able to create sensors:


    X-Alert Super Admin Account

    A super admin has control of overall companies in the system, this particular role is able to create / manage sensors for all the companies that are registered.

    Company Admin Account

    A company admin has control of his company, this role is able to create / manage sensors within its company account.


    Steps to create a Sensor:


    • Login via your Super Admin / Company Admin account, there in the Side Menu you will see an option “LINK SENSOR TO USER”.

    This will take you to the webpage where a sensor can be created and assigned to users.

    • To add a new Sensor click on the button “Add new sensor”. This will open up the Add Sensor Form where you can add a sensor.

    • You can choose a type for your sensors, it can be single or multiple. 

    • The single  type can work on one spectrum only. 

    • The multiple types can work on multiple capabilities like LTE/GSE/BT.

    How to Create Multiple Sensor Types:

    • Navigate to Sensor Typesin the sidebar. 

    • You will be redirected to a new page.

    • Click on “Add Sensor Type”.

    • Put in your respective Sensor types and choose the capabilities accordingly.

    • Click on the “Save” icon.

    • The sensor is now created and available for selection. 

    • Create an ID for that particular sensor.

    • Select a company. 

    • Select a department.

    • Choose a title for your sensor. 

    • Select a user.

    • Submit it.

    • You can see the created sensor in the “Link Sensor to User” at the bottom. 



  • How can we manage Sensor Time Configuration?


    Sensor Time Configuration


    Why is time configuration important to understand?

     The specific time slot for the sensor to work can be adjusted with sensor time configuration. For example, you have a store that works from 9 AM – 9 PM, and you need sensors to work for that particular time slot.

    You can work with the sensor time configuration to set it up and keep it activated during those hours. 

    Who can manage sensor time configuration?

    The following user roles can create sensors:

    • Operators

    • Users


    Steps to Manage Sensor Time Configuration


    • Log in via your Operator/User Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab named “Sensor Time”. Click on it. 

    • Go to your specific sensor and tap on the Edit icon.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Add your timings as per your requirement.

    • Click on Save

    • You will be redirected to a page with the newly adjusted timings.

  • How to manage Sensor Alert Configuration?


    Sensor Alert Configuration

    Who can manage Sensor Alert Configuration?

    The following user can manage the Sensor Alert Configuration:


    Steps to Manage Sensor Alert Configuration


    • Log in via your Operator/User Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab named “Sensor Time”. Click on it. 

    • Go to your specific sensor and tap on the Edit icon.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Add your timings as per your requirement.

    • Click on Save

    • You will be redirected to a page with the adjusted timings. 

    • Click on the blue tab named “Configure”

    • You will be redirected to a page where you set the following:

    1. Type of Alert

    2. Country

    3. Type of Devices 

    4. Mobile Alert Receivers 

    Lastly, tick the icon you want the notification of. 

    • Click on “Save”.

  • Who can assign providers to the sensors?


    Sensor Management

    Who can assign providers to the sensors?

    The following user can alter Sensor Management:


    Steps For Sensor Management

    • Log in via your Operator Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a “Sensor Management” tab. Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a page for sensor management. 

    • Click on the green tab named “Assign Provider”.

    • You will be redirected to another page. 

    • Add the following details:

    1. Sensor

    2. Country

    3. Provider

    • When you add the provider, you will also see a list of providers beneath. 

    • Choose your respective provider and tap on the green tab named “Assign Provider”.

    • You can choose a single provider or opt for multiple providers too. 

    • Tap on “Save”.

    • The provider will be assigned.

  • How To Show Sensor On The Mapping Page And Detection Against Sensors?


    Show Sensor On The Mapping Page And Detections Against Sensors

    Steps For Showing Sensor On The Mapping Page and Detections Against Sensors

    • Log in via your Operator Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Mapping.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Select your sensor in the option named “Select Sensor.”

    • Click on the blue icon named “Search.”

    • Take your cursor to the marked area to show the senor on the mapping page. 

    • Click on the above-mentioned marked area to see the list of devices found. 


  • How To Create and Edit A Company?


    Create and Edit A Company


    Steps For Creating and Editing A Company?

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a “Companies” tab. Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add New Company.” 

    • Add the following details:

    1. Company Name

    2. Logo

    3. Dashboard

    4. Status

    • Click on the “Save” icon. 

    • The company has been created. 

    • You will be redirected to a new page.

    • To edit a company, click on the “Companies” tab in the sidebar and then click on the “Edit” icon. 

    • Fill out the required information.

    • Click on the “Save” tab. 

  • How To Create Company Admin Against Company?


    Create Company Admin Against Company


    Steps For Creating Company Admin Against Company

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Active Company Admin.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add New Company Admin.” 

    • Add the following details:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Username

    4. Email

    5. Password

    6. Company

    • Click on the “Save User” icon. 

    • The Company Admin against a company has been created. 


  • How To Create A Department Against a Company?


    Create Department Against Company


    Steps For Creating Department Against a Company

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a “Department” tab. Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add New Department.” 

    • Add the following details:

    1. Department Name

    2. Company

    • Click on the “Save” icon. 

    • The department has been created. 

    • You will be redirected to a new page.

    • You can create different departments for the same company using the same method. 

  • Create Company Admin Against Company

    New FAQ : Answer


  • How To Create Company Admin Against Company?


    Create Company Admin Against Company


    Steps For Creating Company Admin Against Company

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Active Company Admin.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add New Company Admin.” 

    • Add the following details:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Username

    4. Email

    5. Password

    6. Company

    • Click on the “Save User” icon. 

    • The Company Admin against a company has been created. 


  • How To Access Sensitive Data?


    Access Sensitive Data


    Steps For Accessing Sensitive Data

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab named “Access Sensitive Data.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the red icon named “inActive” if you want to stop the access of sensitive information.

    • Click on the green icon named “Active” if you want to initiate the access of sensitive information.


  • How To Create A New User Against Company And Department?


    Create A New User Against Company And Department


    Steps For Creating a new user against Company and department

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab named “Users Management.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add New User.”

    • Fill in the following information in the form:

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name

    3. Username

    4. Email

    5. Password

    6. Company

    7. Department 

    8. Role

    • Tap on “Save User.”

    • Your User has been saved. 


  • How To Assign Different Dashboard To Users?


    Assign Different Dashboard To Users


    Steps For Assigning Different Dashboard To Users


    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab named “Users Dashboard.”

    •  Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Add the “Company” in the form.

    • Choose the department for your company from down below. 

    • The user has been assigned to your dashboard. 


  • How To Create New Location and Assign It To Sensor?


    Create New Location and Assign it to the Sensor.


    Steps For Creating New Location and Assigning it to the sensor

    • Log in via your Operator Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Manage Locations.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add Location.” 

    • Add the following details:

    1. Location Name

    2. Event Name

    3. Country

    4. State

    5. City

    6. Street 

    7. Zip Code

    8. Latitude

    9. Longitude

    10. Address

    11. Type of Location

    12. Map Option

    • Click on the “Save” icon. 

    • The New Location has been created.

    • In order to assign a location to a sensor, go to “My Sensors” in the sidebar. 

    • Go to the sensor whose location you want to change and click on the “Manage” icon in front of it. 

    • Go to “Sensor Location” on the form and add your location there. 

    • Click on “Save”

    • The location has been assigned to the sensor. 


  • How To Create Finger Print and Collective Against Detection IDs?


    Create Finger Print and  Collective Against Detection IDs 


    Steps For Creating  Finger Print and  Collective Against Detection IDs 


    • Log in via your Operator Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Collective ID.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue icon named “Add Collective ID.” 

    • Add the “Detection ID” in the form.

    • Click on the “Save” icon. 

    • The Collective ID has been created.

    • In order to assign a Fingerprint, you can go to the “Fingerprint” icon in the sidebar. 

    • Go to the blue icon named “Add Fingerprint” and click on it.

    • Add the following details:

    1. Choose Option

    2. Cellular Address

    3. Vehicle Address

    4. Wireless Address

    5. Categorize Fingerprint

    6. Categorize Trust

    • Click on “Save.” 

    • The Fingerprint has been created. 


  • How Can We Use Distributed Intelligence To Show The Company To Company Detection Data?


    Distributed Intelligence To Show The Company To Company Detection Data


    Steps For Showing Company to Company Detections Data

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Distributive Intelligence.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the blue tab named “Add New Distributed Intelligence.”

    • Choose your Company and Assigned Company. 

    • Click on “Save.”

    • Click on the above-mentioned marked area to see the list of devices found. 

    • Now, you can also see the detection of other companies on the security page. 


  • What Are The Steps For Access Management?


    Access Management

    Steps For Access Management

    • Log in via your Operator Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Security.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Click on the “View” tab for the detection ID you want to access. 

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Choose your Security Warning. 

    • Click on “Save.”

    • Go to “Access Management” in the sidebar. 

    • Tap on “Edit” on your respective Detection ID.

    • Add the following:

    1. First Name

    2. Email Address

    • Click on the “Submit” tab at the very end of the page. 


  • How Can We Use Collective Intelligence To Show Department-To-Department Detection Data?


    Collective Intelligence To Show Department-To-Department Detection Data

    • You can use Collective Intelligence to share the data between two departments – for example, Department 1 and Department 2. 


    • You have to assign the data of Department 1 to Department 2 so that the users of Department 2 can also see the detections of Department 1. 


    • If this is not done, the users of Department 2 will not be able to access the data of Department 1. 

    Steps For Showing Department-To-Department Detection Data

    • Log in via your Admin Account. 

    • In the Side Menu, you will see a tab for “Collective Intelligence.” Click on it.

    • You will be redirected to a new page. 

    • Tap on the blue tab named “Add New Collective Intelligence.”

    • Add the following:

    1. Department

    2. Assigned Department

    • Click on “Save.”

    • Click on the above-mentioned marked area to see the list of devices found. 

    • Now, the users of one department can see the detections of the other department, too, via a tab named “Security” in the sidebar.