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  2. How to Create a Sensor

How to Create a Sensor

Login via your Super Admin / Company Admin account, there in the Side Menu you will see an option “LINK SENSOR TO USER”.

This will take you to the webpage where a sensor can be created and assigned to users.

To add a new Sensor click on the button “Add new sensor”. This will open up the Add Sensor Form where you can add a sensor.

You can choose a type for your sensors, it can be single or multiple. 

  • The single  type can work on one spectrum only. 
  • The multiple types can work on multiple capabilities like LTE/GSE/BT.

To Create Multiple Sensor Types:

  • Navigate to Sensor Typesin the sidebar. 
  • You will be redirected to a new page.
  • Click on “Add Sensor Type”.
  • Put in your respective Sensor types and choose the capabilities accordingly.
  • Click on the “Save” icon.
  • The sensor is now created and available for selection. 

Create an ID for that particular sensor.

Select a company. 

Select a department.

Choose a title for your sensor. 

Select a user.

Submit it.

You can see the created sensor in the “Link Sensor to User” at the bottom.

Updated on January 9, 2023

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